The question everyone is asking: What have you been doing? BABES has been busy from the USA to International sharing the word of COPING. We will share what three of many programs have been do during our time of COVID-19 shut in.
Let’s begin international with Malta. The Malta government has embraced the use of the BABES program since the early 1990’s and continues today. The program is done by the Sedqa Prevention Services team and they share the program with preschool through 8 years old. It is part of all elementary schools under T.F.A.L. which is TFAL Favur Ambjent LIberu. It is taught in both English and Maltese. The person that leads this education is Stacey Fields. She had the opportunity in 2019 to attend our Train the Trainer Series and has returned to Malta to train other staff. In addition to translation she shared with us the extra items they use in their schools and we look forward to sharing information about these items at our next Talk to the Trainers Session.
Back in the grand old USA BABES continues to again help our children to Cope and use the lessons that BABES shares with young people. In Athens Ohio, Health Recovery Services in the Division of Community Services with Reggie Robinson created a BABES You Tube session which done on What is COVID-19 for children. This session has been viewed over 500 times.
In Palm Beach, Florida Living Skills in the Schools under the leadership of Executive Director, Suzanne Spencer has shared BABES throughout during the school year and currently is in the process of recording the presented stories so teachers may share them remotely. This program is also working on designing stories that are close to their children’s needs but remain with the character of each BABES friend.
As we continue to work with our new “normal” we will be working to identify your needs and assist any way possible. Keep in mind the BABES program is available with lessons from Preschool through High school along with other special areas like Faith Based BABES, Family BABES, Clinical BABES and a few other areas. Contact us so we can support you with your up to date training needs.